Highland Aurora (ID)



The project is located north of the town of Wallace, Idaho and is reached by following the Nine Mile Canyon Road north over Dobson Pass to the Beaver Creek Road. From there, west on USFS Roads #1586 and #933.


The Company has staked 16 unpatented mining claims for the Highland Aurora Project, designated the “HA” claims. The historic Highland Aurora mine is located on patented mining claims not owned or controlled by the Company.

Geology, Mineralization and Exploration

The property is underlain by metasedimentary rocks of the Precambrian Belt series. The Belt series is represented by five formations, from youngest to oldest: the Wallace formation, St. Regis formation, Revett formation, Burke formation, and Prichard formation.

Within the property boundaries, these formations crop out in above order from east to west, with St. Regis being the most extensive and Prichard the least. In general, the formations consist of thin bedded argillite, argillaceous quartzite and thick bedded quartzite.

The most prominent structural feature traversing the property is the Carpenter Gulch fault, which has a northerly strike and dips gently to the west. Movement along the fault has thrust older Prichard and Burke formations over younger Revett and St. Regis formations. Also, several other rather prominent north-striking faults lie within the property boundaries.

The Highland Aurora vein has been explored by past operators through sinking of a shaft of approximately 1,000-foot depth and associated tunneling and drilling. The Company objectives consist of targeting the Highland Aurora vein to the west of the existing patented claims (not controlled by the Company) in more favorable beds of the Lower Revett and Upper Revett horizons. Additionally, evidence of a possible bedded lead-silver or copper-silver mineral system in the historic Highland Aurora mine will be investigated in the claims held by the Company.

Exploration Work and Potential

Although this property has not seen modern exploration and the potential size is not known, the dual deposit types historically described offer potential exploration opportunities.